Our mission is to inspire, empower, and teach our community by nurturing their talents and gifts.
About 4FG
4 Future Generations (4FG) has been in operation since 2015 and was established in New York State, in January 2016 by the President and Founder, Kenesha Traynham- Cooper. 4FG is a spiritual and purpose-driven program teaching leadership and entrepreneurship. We create intergenerational programs to create community cohesion and inclusion.
We currently serve children in Bed-ford Stuyvesant, Clinton Hills, Park Slope and we are looking to expand in the near future to other parts of New York. All schools and childcare providers are also welcome to partner with us and adopt our curriculum.
Our Services
Baby Tycoons - 3-12 years old
Registration: $100 including books and materials
$200/week (without food service) - After-school 230-630PM (Summer Day Camp)
$220/week (including food service)- After-school 230-630pm (Summer Day Camp)
Premium Services
$100/week - drop home service within 15 minutes walking distance (4FG student)
$150/week - drop home service outside of 15 minutes walking distance (4FG student)
$50/week - Morning drop to school service 15 minutes walking distance (4FG student)
$250/week for overnight
$250/weekend including food service
$200/weekend without food service
$15/hr Date nights and Errand run / Must be informed 24 hours in advance
$15 per hour/half-day service (non-F4G student)
$100/full-day to day service (ex. holidays) (non-F4G student)
$75/week - Drop to school service within 15 minutes walking distance (non-F4G student)
$125/ week Pick-up service only within 15 minutes walking distance (non-4FG student)
$175/week Pick-up service only- not 15 minutes walking distance (non-4FG student)
$150/week Drop-home service within 15 minutes walking distance (non-4FG student)
$200/week Drop-home service-not 15 minutes walking distance (non-4FG student)
$150/week 3 hrs/week - Entrepreneurship and Leadership Training
$60/hr Private one on one Entrepreneurship and Leadership Training
Varies Per Grade - Tutoring
Early Drop-off - $20 extra
Late Pick-up- $20 extra
Late pick-up- $1 a minute after 2nd time being late

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